How we can all benefit from a Daily Exfoliation Ritual from Hundreds of Years Ago to Give you Radiant Skin
Attention, interest, desire, and action.
While others are usually not as critical, we wonder how many people secretly judge our aging and start to feel even worse. In this state, we never hesitate to whip out our credit card to buy the latest $300 moisturizer or serum that's all the rage on beauty blogs. Sadly, by slathering on more products, all we are doing is adding layers of the build-up to skin that needs a good, deep cleansing. You need the kind of cleansing that eliminates the build-up of dead skin and the effects of using toxic chemicals for years and stimulates cell renewal, resulting in healthy, radiant skin.
The answer is creating a daily exfoliation ritual or habit to transform your skin completely. You can achieve beautiful skin if you master the simple art of correctly exfoliating your face and body. Exfoliating consistently provides many benefits to maintaining beautiful, healthy skin.
Get a fresh start and optimize your body’s ability to regenerate
Did you know that your skin sheds about 28 grams of dead cells monthly? Dead skin that hasn’t been cleared also keeps a layer of product build-up on the surface of your skin which can “clog” it up. Removing these skin cells through exfoliation promotes healthy and regular cell regeneration for “fresh” glowing skin. Regular exfoliation with organic, non-toxic natural products will completely revitalize your skin, and you will immediately see a difference.
The manual exfoliating with a circular massage is crucial because it helps stimulate microcirculation and cell renewal. Our skin regenerates itself every 27 days, but as we age, this process begins to slow down. This means a build-up of dead skin over time, leading to clogged pores and dull, rough skin.
We need to maintain the health and vitality of our skin and continue to boost this renewal by giving our skin the proper care it deserves.
Drive out toxins with clean products
Exfoliating our face and body is pretty simple once you find the right products and build a consistent routine. Still, as usual, this process is often overcomplicated by beauty companies who produce cheap, chemical-laden products and unnecessary “accessories” to use with their products when in reality, a centuries-old organic soap and simple glove will produce better – and lasting results – than anything in a pricey department store jar.
Minnara’s Soft and Regenerating Exfoliant Treatment is made with Moroccan black soap. It is based on the centuries-old Hamman ritual of indulging in a regular treatment that falls between a spa and sauna. Sounds pretty good, right?